Bring Back Train 82

This simple gesture of goodwill on the part of VIA Rail and the federal government, will send a clear message to the people of this community that Brantford matters. That the hard-working people of Brantford who commute long hours, matter. This decision doesn’t involve breaking new ground, or laying new tracks, this is simply about putting Train 82, the west bound 7:30pm train home for daily commuters, back to it’s original evening schedule as it was for many years prior to the pandemic. This is an easy fix where everyone wins. Let’s work together to take some cars off the road and get these people home from work.

And this is only the beginning. It’s no secret that future development, and long overdue improvements along the entire length of Market Street North begins on the steps of Brantford’s historic Via Rail Station. For decades this was the beating heart, the epicentre, of mass transit in and out of Brantford. Generations of visitors were welcomed to this great city at the Via Rail Station. It’s exciting to imagine one day soon visitors from across South Western Ontario taking advantage of expanded access on the VIA to visit Brantford to take in a Bulldogs game or a show at the Sanderson Centre. What better way to say hello than with a world-class Via Rail Station Gateway. It’s hard not to get excited about the possibilities. I would invite everyone to review pages 23 and 24 of the proposed Urban Design Manual / City Building & Placemaking Guidelines presented to Council in January of 2021.